2000 Covered Hoop Exhibition

Elena Vitrichenko Collection

Encasing the hoop with shimmering synthetic material, Elena transformed the hoop into a large hat and composed a highly unusual piece with the newly devised apparatus.

Frolicking to a jazzy piece, Elena kicked off the exhibition routine with a vertical split and does a basic hoop transfer at the back from one hand to the next.  Note that although this is considered a basic move for normal hoops, but given the tiny size of the loop (cos the hoop was covered, remember?), the space for the hands to maneuver the apparatus is greatly reduced, thus posing difficulty for spinning motions and any forms of transfer. 

Another interesting action employed by Vitrichenko is the handstand, executed while the apparatus is trapped in between the legs and back.  Not exactly difficult, but rather it is rare motion chosen by gymnasts (except perhaps Almudena in her 1999/2000 hoop routine). 

In the middle of the exhibition, Vitrichenko springs a surprise:  Placing the hoop on her legs while in a kneeling position, she does a forward roll and kicks the hoop into mid air.Indeed a refreshing choice of movement that brings some excitement into the exercise.  

Next, she does a series of throws.  Three, in fact, each separated by different leaps or rolls before catching.  Amongst, look out for her semi back roll.  Here, she tosses, back rolls and lunges out her right leg to kick the hoop up before snatching it to continue with the exercise. 

Towards the conclusion, she does some flexibility movements (e.g. her left leg stretching towards her head as her body lies in the dorsal position), balance pénche and vertical pivots, before placing the hoop on her head like a hat. 

Some love this exhibition routine, others deeming it too snazzy.  To be fair, Vitrichenko proves herself to be a diverse performer with contrasting styles.  The nubile charm oozed here is rare in RSG, but here’s a friendly warning:  If you are the type who only enjoys serious routines, forget about this.  It needs a loosened up spirit to appreciate this deviously fun exercise.




Alfred Vogel Cup 2000
(no longer available)
Vid Cap

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 Copyright 2001 Derri & Angela See